Rainer Schwindt

Das Weltbild des Epheserbriefes

Eine religionsgeschichtlich-exegetische Studie
[The World View in Ephesians. A Study from the Standpoint of the History of Religion and of Exegesis. By Rainer Schwindt.]
2002. XIII, 649 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-157255-5
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-157255-5
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In Ephesians, theological and cosmological concepts are connected in an unusual manner. Rainer Schwindt analyzes the 'cosmological hermeneutics' found in Ephesians from the standpoint of the history of religion and explores its position in the early Christian history of theology. He bases his comparative study on the spiritual understanding of salvation in Alexandrian Judaism and the demonological paradigm of the Platonic line of tradition. As a unity of Jewish and pagan Christians, the church is the new »Daimonion,« which warns the cosmic powers of God's salvation, his pleroma.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament (WUNT I)