Cornelia Kibler

Datenschutzaufsicht im europäischen Verbund

Unabhängigkeit, Effektivität, Rechtsschutz und Legitimation
[The composite structure of European Data Protection Supervision. Autonomy, Effectiveness, Legal Protection, and Legitimacy.]
2021. XXVIII, 489 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-159701-5
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-159701-5
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How can effective data protection be ensured in light of borderless data flow and cross-border data processing? Cornelia Kibler explores this issue by analysing independent supervisory authorities, which are guaranteed by international, European and national fundamental rights, and their integration into European composite administration.

Beiträge zum Verwaltungsrecht (BVwR)