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Martin Sebastian Haase

Datenschutzrechtliche Fragen des Personenbezugs

Eine Untersuchung des sachlichen Anwendungsbereiches des deutschen Datenschutzrechts und seiner europarechtlichen Bezüge
[Data Protection Law Questions of Personal Data. An Investigation of German Data Protection´s Material Area of Application and its References to European Law.]
2015. XXVII, 496 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-153799-8
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The massive elicitation and processing of data and information sets huge challenges before the operators of data protection law and to those whom it is addressed. The demarcation of date protection´s material area of application is one of these challenges. Which data protection regulations are applicable to the data and information of our modern reality, which are not and which should be? These are the central questions focused on in this volume.

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