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Lisa Sophie Gebhard

Davis Trietsch - Der vergessene Visionär

Zionistische Zukunftsentwürfe zwischen Deutschland, Palästina und den USA
[Davis Trietsch - A Forgotten Visionary. Zionist Ideas for the Future between Germany, Palestine and the USA.]
2022. XIII, 388 pages.
Published in German.
  • hardcover
  • available
  • 978-3-16-161816-1
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Lisa Sophie Gebhard explores the multifaceted activities of the Zionist Davis Trietsch (1870-1935), who was once a remarkable figure on the Jewish nationalist scene but after his death disappeared almost entirely from historical memory. In this work, the author brings together coherent biographical information about him for the very first time. Trietsch, who initiated several forward-looking projects, emerges as a dynamic social actor whose thought was particularly influenced by innovations developed in the United States.

Schriftenreihe wissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen des Leo Baeck Instituts (SchrLBI)