Jil Schneider

Deaktivierung von Implantaten am Lebensende

Eine Einordnung in die Kategorien des Behandlungsabbruchs und der Tötung auf Verlangen am Beispiel von Herzschrittmacher und ICD
[Deactivation of Implants at the End of Life. A Classification into the Categories of Termination of Treatment and Killing on Request Using the Example of Pacemakers and ICD.]
2024. XVII, 327 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-163262-4
Published in German.
  • eBook PDF
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  • 978-3-16-163262-4
Modern medicine offers new possibilites of sustaining life, including fully implanted technical devices. Can patient autonomy justify a lethal deactivation of such devices, or does such an act constitute an impermissible killing on request? The author outlines the legal boundaries of deactivating implanted devices using the example of pacemakers and ICD.

Studien zum Medizin- und Gesundheitsrecht (MGR)