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Silvia Pernice-Warnke

Demographischer Wandel, altersgruppenbezogene Partizipation und Generationengerechtigkeit

Zur rechtlichen Ordnung einer alternden Gesellschaft
[Demographic Change, Age-Related Participation, and Intergenerational Justice. On the Legal Order of an Ageing Society.]
2023. XXIX, 478 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-162367-7
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As the ratio of old to young increases in German society, so does the elder generation's political influence, a situation which could lead to - at worst - irreversible decisions that are too focused on the present and contrary to younger generations' interests. Silvia Pernice-Warnke highlights the reform potential of age-related participation as a way to realize intergenerational justice from a legal perspective.

Jus Publicum (JusPubl)