
Thomas Winkelmann

Der Anspruch

Funktion, Entstehung, Anknüpfungen

[The Claim. Function, Formation, Connections.]

2021. XXXVII, 606 pages.

Studien zum Privatrecht 96

139,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-159773-2
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Published in German.
The claim is the central category of private law. All the more remarkable is that the »claim« (»Anspruch«) is relatively rarely the subject of academic study and that its content has not been conclusively clarified. Thomas Winkelmann's thorough analysis of the theoretical foundations of the claim criterion provides fertile ground for his concept of concrete problem-solving in this field.
The claim is the central category of private law. All the more remarkable is that the »claim« (»Anspruch«) is relatively rarely the subject of academic study and that its content has not been conclusively clarified. Thomas Winkelmann's thorough analysis of the theoretical foundations of the claim criterion provides fertile ground for his concept of concrete problem-solving in this field.

Thomas Winkelmann Geboren 1988; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in München; 2014 Erste Juristische Prüfung; Juristischer Vorbereitungsdienst im Bezirk des OLG München; 2016 Zweite Juristische Staatsprüfung; Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Privatrecht und Zivilverfahrensrecht und Geschäftsführer der Forschungsstelle für Notarrecht an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; 2019 Übernahme in den notariellen Anwärterdienst des Freistaates Bayern; derzeit Notarassessor in München.


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