
Gero Meeßen

Der Anspruch auf Schadensersatz bei Verstößen gegen EU-Kartellrecht – Konturen eines Europäischen Kartelldeliktsrechts?

[The Claim in Damages for Breach of EU Competition Law – Outlines of a European Competition Tort Law?]

129,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-150737-3
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Published in German.
Gero Meeßen investigates the foundations, conditions and extent of the claim in damages for breach of EU competition law in Germany, England and France and examines their compatibility with the requirements of EU primary law. Against the background of his findings, the author scrutinizes Directorate General for Competition's far-reaching proposals for a redesign of the law on antitrust damages actions.
The liability for breach of EU Competition Law is subject to vivid political debate. Whereas the Commission held that this area of the law in the Member States presented a »picture of total underdevelopment«, recent case survey shows a remarkable increase in number and scope of private antitrust damages litigation. Gero Meeßen, while Member of the Bundeskartellamt's General Policy Division closely involved in the discussion at European level, investigates the foundations, conditions and extent of the claim in damages for breach of EU competition law in Germany, England and France and examines their compatibility with the requirements of EU primary law. Against the background of his findings, the author scrutinizes Directorate General for Competition's far-reaching proposals for a redesign of the law on antitrust damages actions.

Gero Meeßen Geboren 1975; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Bonn, Genf und Oxford; 2010 Promotion; Referent in der Grundsatzabteilung des Bundeskartellamts und Koordinator für das Netzwerk der Europäischen Kartellbehörden (ECN); derzeit Beisitzer der 10. Beschlussabteilung.


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschr. f. Wettbewerbsrecht — 2012, 106–108 (Christian Alexander)
In: IPRax — 2012, 479