
Der apokryphe Briefwechsel zwischen Seneca und Paulus

Zusammen mit dem Brief des Mordechai an Alexander und dem Brief des Annaeus Seneca über Hochmut und Götterbilder
Eingel., übers. u. mit interpretierenden Essays versehen v. Alfons Fürst, Therese Fuhrer, Folker Siegert u. Peter Walter

[The Apocryphal Correspondence between Seneca and Paul. Including Mordechai's Letter to Alexander and Annaeus Seneca's Letter on Pride and Idols.]

2006; unchanged student edition; 2012. X, 215 pages.
6,99 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-8252-3634-2
available from utb
Published in German.
In the second half of the fourth century, an unknown author created a correspondence between Seneca and Paul. This book contains a new German translation of these letters based on the current critical edition. Furthermore, two documents which are less well known but sometimes discussed in connection with these letters are presented.
In the second half of the fourth century, an unknown author created a correspondence between Seneca and Paul. The most striking characteristic of these fourteen brief letters is their lack of nearly any content. Their sole intention is to make Seneca a friend of Paul's. In doing so, the author underlined the affinity between the pagan philosopher Seneca and the Latin Christian theologians of the fourth century, inventing an apostolic tradition. The book contains a new German translation of these letters based on the current critical edition along with an introduction, notes, testimonies and essays which put this correspondence in a broader intellectual-historical context. Furthermore, two documents which are less well known but sometimes discussed in connection with these letters are presented, translated into German for the first time and provided with commentaries.

Therese Fuhrer Geboren 1959; 1989 Promotion; 1995 Habilitation in Bern; 1996–1997 ord. Professorin für Klassische Philologie/Latinistik an der Universität Trier; 1997–2004 an der Universität Zürich; 2004–2008 an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg; seit 2008 lehrt sie an der Freien Universität Berlin.

Alfons Fürst Geboren 1961; 1996 Promotion (Dr. phil.); 1998 Habilitation (Dr. theol. habil.); 1998–2000 Professor für Kirchengeschichte in Bamberg; seit 2000 Professor für Alte Kirchengeschichte, Patrologie und Christliche Archäologie in Münster; 2010–11 Fellow am Department of Classics in Princeton; 2017–18 Fellow am Institute for Advanced Studies in Jerusalem.

Folker Siegert Geboren 1947; Theologie- und Linguistikstudium in Erlangen, Göttingen, Heidelberg, Bossey, Tübingen; 1984 Promotion; 1990 Habilitation; von 1996 – 2012 Professor für Judaistik und Neues Testament und Direktor des Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum, Münster.

Peter Walter Geboren 1950; Studium in Mainz und Rom, 1980 Promotion in Rom, 1989 Habilitation in Tübingen, seit 1990 Universitäts-Professor für Dogmatik und Direktor des Arbeitsbereichs Quellenkunde der Theologie des Mittelalters an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Freiburg i. Br.


The following reviews are known:

In: — (04/2013) (Holger Zeigan)
In: Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen — 265 (2013), S. 168–179 (Tobias Georges)
In: Biblische Notizen — 159 (2013), S. 149–150 (Michael Ernst)