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Johannes Marl

Der Begriff der Öffentlichkeit im Urheberrecht

Eine aus den Regelungszwecken hergeleitete, soziologisch untermauerte Untersuchung eines urheberrechtlichen Schlüsselbegriffs im Kontext der demokratischen Informationsgesellschaft
[Copyright and the Concept of the Public Sphere. Examining a Key Term for the Democratic Information Society.]
2017. XX, 439 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-155103-1
The public use of a protected work lies at the heart of its creator's exclusive right. Consequently, the concept of the public sphere is a key one in German and European copyright law. However, the digital age and its sociological implications challenge the contemporary copyright system. How can the term 'public' be convincingly and comprehensively defined within this context?

Geistiges Eigentum und Wettbewerbsrecht (GEuWR)