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Christian H. Jahn

Der Bereicherungsausgleich im Mehrpersonenverhältnis

- dargestellt anhand der Rückabwicklung von Werk- und Dienstleistungen
[The Compensation for Unjustified Enrichments in Multi-Party Situations as Portrayed by the Restitution of Works and Services.]
2014. XII, 248 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-153555-0
How are unjustified enrichments of works and services restituted in a work-sharing economy? Analysing a variety of cases, Christian H. Jahn develops a law-based solution not only for the restitution of works and services, but for the restitution of unjustified enrichments in multi-party situations generally.

Studien zum Privatrecht (StudPriv)