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Jiin Yu Wu
Der Einfluß des Herstellers auf die Verbraucherpreise nach deutschem und taiwanesischem Recht
Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zur allgemeinen Dogmatik vertikaler Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen
[The Influence of the Manufacturer on Consumer Prices according to German and Taiwanese Law. A Study in Comparative Law of the General Dogmatics of Vertical Restraints of Competition. By Jiin Yu Wu.]
1999. XXIX, 248 pages. Published in German.
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- 978-3-16-158463-3
Jiin Yu Wu compares competition policies in Germany and Taiwan by describing the various systems on which German competition policy was modelled and outlining Taiwan's economic and political development as well as the current basis for its national economy. In addition, she gives a survey of the origins of the Fair Trade Law and compares the essential features of the GWB (German Act Against Restraints of Competition) and the FTL. Using the possibilities the manufacturers have of influencing consumer prices as an example, the author analyzes how vertical restraints of competition are dealt with in German and Taiwanese law. She focuses on the ban on price maintenance and makes concrete suggestions as to how this ban can be circumvented.