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Stefan Schlegel

Der Entscheid über Migration als Verfügungsrecht

Eine Anwendung der Ökonomischen Analyse des Rechts auf das Migrationsrecht am Beispiel der Schweiz
[Migration Decisions as Property Rights.]
2017. XXI, 375 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-154872-7
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The control over someone's migration to a certain place is the control over a good and therefore a property right. Immigration law is described as the sum of rules allocating property rights on migration and defining transaction rules for these rights. Based on a case study of Swiss immigration law, Stefan Schlegel develops a framework to systematically apply property rights theory to immigration law.

Studien und Beiträge zum Öffentlichen Recht (StudÖR)