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Matthias Jacobs
Der Gegenstand des Feststellungsverfahrens
Rechtsverhältnis und rechtliches Interesse bei Feststellungsstreitigkeiten vor Zivil- und Arbeitsgerichten
[The Subject Matter of the Declaratory Procedure. The Legal Relationship and Legal Interest in Declaratory Disputes in Civil and Labor Courts.]
2005. XXXVIII, 554 pages. Published in German.
Matthias Jacobs examines the admissibility requirements of an action for a declaratory judgment in civil proceedings and their historical and teleological basis. He reveals the weaknesses in the traditional dogmatics, reappraises the action for a declaratory judgment's loss of substance in substantive law and attempts to outline and delimit the legal protection area in Section 256 Paragraph 1 of the Code of Civil Procedures more precisely than before by connecting it to substantive law.