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Reinhard Feldmeier, Hermann Spieckermann

Der Gott der Lebendigen

Eine biblische Gotteslehre
[The God of the Living. A Biblical Doctrine of God. 2 ndrevised and bibliographically supplemented edition.]
2nd reviewed and bibliographical supplemented edition; 2017. XXIV, 691 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-155545-9
Published in German.
  • eBook PDF
  • no longer available
  • 978-3-16-155545-9
»This work is a profound contribution to a biblical understanding of God. The essays have an inner coherence drawn on the basis of the whole scripture. Readers will certainly benefit from both the content and linguistic construction of the book […].«
Svetlana Khobnya in Journal for the Study of the New Testament 34(5) (2012), p.3-4

Topoi Biblischer Theologie / Topics of Biblical Theology (TOBITH)