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André Lippert
Der grenzüberschreitende Sachverhalt im Unionsrecht
Eine Analyse anhand der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs zu den Kontrollkompetenzen
[Cross-Border Facts of a Case in EU Law. An Analysis Based on the Legal Decisions of the European Court of Justice on the Authority to Monitor.]
2013. XXVI, 474 pages. Published in German.
- cloth
- available
- 978-3-16-152550-6
In European Union law, the cross-border facts of a case are generally seen as imperative. When however do these exist? The European Court of Justice at any rate applies quantitative economic criteria. If however the acceptance and the democratic legitimation of European decisions are to be ensured on a permanent basis, legal criteria have to be found which consider the special structure of the European Union as an association of countries and constitutions.