
Hans Hanau

Der Grundsatz der Verhältnismäßigkeit als Schranke privater Gestaltungsmacht

Zu Herleitung und Struktur einer Angemessenheitskontrolle von Verfassungs wegen

[The Principle of Proportionality as Confinement to Private Autonomy. The Derivation and Structure of the Proportionality Test based on the Constitution.]

2004. XIV, 163 pages.

Jus Privatum 89

89,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-148257-1
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Published in German.
Hans Hanau examines the significance and the effectiveness of the principle of proportionality for the content control of contracts in private law. He bases his theories on constitutional rules and shows the universal role this principle plays in evaluating areas which had previously been categorically separated, running the gamut from civil law to labor law and corporate law.
Hans Hanau deals with the essential aspect of control for adequacy in the law of contracts: the principle of proportionality. Basing his work on the discussion surrounding the surety decision by the Federal Constitutional Court and using a constitutional approach, the author begins with demonstrating that the dispute about the effect of the basic rights between private parties is not the problem it would seem to be. The protective function in the constitution, created initially for public law and having the principle of proportionality as its central element, can basically be applied equally to the state sanctioning of privately heteronomous rights to influence legal relationships.

Hans Hanau Geboren 1962; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Frankfurt a.M. und Tübingen; 1993 Promotion; 2002 Habilitation; seitdem Vertretungsprofessuren in Erfurt, Freiburg und Darmstadt.


The following reviews are known:

In: Banca, borsa e titoli di credito — 2006, 312–313
In: Recht der Arbeit — 2006, H.1, S.62f (Thomas Dieterich)
In: Revue Hellenique des Droits de l'homme — 2007, 1034
In: Der Staat — 2006, 440–441 (Matthias Ruffert)