
Heidrun Gunkel

Der Heilige Geist bei Lukas

Theologisches Profil, Grund und Intention der lukanischen Pneumatologie

[The Holy Spirit and Luke. Theological Profile, Reason and Intention of Luke's Pneumatology.]

119,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-153439-3
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Published in German.
Heidrun Gunkel provides a comprehensive study of the Holy Spirit Luke's central theological theme, throwing light on his reasoning and intention behind these discourses. The apostle's aim to make his message understandable to Jews and Greeks alike, is thus made clear.
The insight that the Holy Spirit plays a decisive role in Luke-Acts is not a new one. Works up until now have however either not taken into consideration all instances of the Holy Spirit within Luke-Acts, or have dealt with thematic limitations from the outset. In contrast, Heidrun Gunkel offers a comprehensive examination of the subject, illustrating how Luke portrays the Holy Spirit's diverse functions and effects. Like stones in a mosaic, each finding slots into place to reveal an overall picture of Luke's pneumatology and serves to underline that the Holy Spirit is an important building block in his theology. On this basis, the author examines how Luke uses his formative perceptions of the Holy Spirit, set against a backdrop of Old Testament, Jewish and Hellenistic perspectives, in order to make his message intelligible to both Jews and Greeks alike.

Heidrun Gunkel Geboren 1984; 2003–10 Studium der Theologie in Göttingen und Rom; 2010–14 Promotionsstudium Theologie in Göttingen; Promotionsstipendiatin des Graduiertenkollegs »Götterbilder-Gottesbilder-Weltbilder«; Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Seminar für Neues Testament; seit 2014 Vikarin der Evangelisch-lutherischen Landeskirche Hannovers.


The following reviews are known:

In: Jahrbuch f.Liturgik u.Hymnologie — 2017, S. 84–85 (Helmut Schwier)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 141 (2016), S. 480–481 (Petr Pokorny)
In: New Testament Abstracts — 59 (2015), S. 541
In: Journal for the Study of the New Testament (JSNT) — 38.5 (2016), S. 43 (Gordon Campbell)
In: Biblische Zeitschrift — 61 (2017), S. 262–264 (Gudrun Nassauer)
In: Sacra Scripta — 16 (2018), S. 113–117 (Hans Klein)
In: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses — 97 (2021), S. 159–160 (Christoph Stenschke)