Annemarie Pilarski

Der Libellus Carminum des Eugenius von Toledo

Poesie als Lebensbewältigung und spirituelle Praxis
[The Libellus Carminum of Eugenius of Toledo. Poetry as a Way of Coping with Life and Spiritual Practice.]
2023. XV, 555 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-161007-3
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Commenting on and analysing the Libellus Carminum of the seventh century Visigothic bishop and poet Eugenius of Toledo, Annemarie Pilarski argues that in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, writing and reading religious poetry could be perceived as a spiritual practice, but also as a general way of coping with life and its existential conditions and crises.

Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum / Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity (STAC)