Dmitrij Bumazhnov
Der Mensch als Gottes Bild im christlichen Ägypten
Studien zu Gen 1,26 in zwei koptischen Quellen des 4.-5. Jahrhunderts
[Man as God's Image in Christian Egypt. Studies of Gen. 1,26 in two Coptic sources from the 4th and 5th century]
2006. IX, 262 pages. Published in German.
Dmitrij Bumazhnov examines two Coptic sources from the 4 th and 5 th century, the homily De anima et corpore and the vita of Aphu of Pemdje. Both of these sources are analyzed in their relationship to the first Origenistic controversy in Egypt, in which two groups of monks argued about whether or not according to the visions of God in the Old Testament God can be seen as a human being.