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Anna M. von Lösch
Der nackte Geist
Die Juristische Fakultät der Berliner Universität im Umbruch von 1933
[The Naked Spirit. The Faculty of Law at the University of Berlin during the Radical Change in 1933. By Anna-Maria Lösch.]
1999. XVI, 526 pages. Published in German.
- eBook PDF
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- 978-3-16-160362-4
Anna-Maria Lösch examines the Faculty of Law at the University of Berlin on its way to National Socialism. This study encompasses the final phase of the Weimar Republic (1930 - January 1933), the so-called National Socialist revolution in 1933 (and its consequences up to 1934) and the path towards consolidation (1934 to 1936/37). The author takes a separate look at what developments meant for the students, the professors and the other university instructors, and in considering each of these groups is able to present an overall picture. She discusses changes in the curriculum and university regulations and the relationship to the Ministry of Education and Culture. She directs her attention towards the fate of the professors who were exiled and to the dramatic struggle for power among the 'ardent National Socialists' Carl Schmitt, Karl-August Eckhardt and Reinhard Höhn.