Jakob von Nordheim

Der Netzausbauverbund

Strukturen des Energienetzausbaus im Europäischen Verwaltungsverbund

[The Grid Expansion Network. Energy Grid Infrastructure in European Administrative Law.]

104,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-160700-4
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Published in German.
The expansion of the Trans-European Networks for Energy is being undertaken within a multi-level system comprised of the EU, its member states and network operators. Jakob von Nordheim analyses the energy-grid specific legislation, identifies the structural elements of this cooperation and introduces the resulting grid development network (Netzausbauverbund) as a reference area of EU union of administration.
The expansion of the Trans-European Networks for Energy is being undertaken within a multi-level system comprised of the EU, its member states and network operators. Jakob von Nordheim analyses the energy-grid specific legislation, identifies the structural elements of this cooperation and introduces the resulting grid development network (Netzausbauverbund) as a reference area of EU union of administration.

Jakob von Nordheim Geboren 1983; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Bayreuth, Grenoble und Berlin; Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin; seit 2016 Rechtsanwalt in Berlin; 2020 Promotion.


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