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Juliane Ohlenroth
Der Oberste Gerichtshof für die Britische Zone und die Aufarbeitung von NS-Unrecht
Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bedeutung für die Fortentwicklung der Strafrechtsdogmatik
[The Supreme Court for the British Zone and the Processing of National Socialist Injustice. With Particular Regard to its Significance for the Further Development of Criminal Law Dogma.]
2020. XXII, 398 pages. Published in German.
The balance sheet for the prosecution of Nazi crimes through West German courts is a sobering sight. Juliane Ohlenroth shows that in contrast to the jurisprudence of the country's Federal Court and contemporary legal doctrine, the decision-making practice of the Supreme Court for the British Zone would have enabled a more commensurate handling of NS injustice.