
Julia Haas

Der Ombudsmann als Institution des Europäischen Verwaltungsrechts

Zur Neubestimmung der Rolle des Ombudsmanns als Organ der Verwaltungskontrolle auf der Grundlage europäischer Ombudsmann-Einrichtungen

[The Ombudsman – An Institution of European Administrative Law. A New Definition of the Role of the Ombudsman as an Organ of Administrative Supervision on the Basis of European Ombudsman Institutions.]

179,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-152228-4
Published in German.
The Scandinavian institution of the ombudsman has been implemented in nearly all European legal systems. Meanwhile, there are multiple interpretations of what characterizes this legal institution. Julia Haas shows that the profiling of the ombudsman as a core figure of European administrative law requires a focus on its classical role in administrative supervision and develops the legal concept of a control-oriented model ombudsman.
The Scandinavian institution of the ombudsman has been implemented in nearly all European legal systems. Meanwhile, there are multiple interpretations of what characterizes this legal institution. Julia Haas shows that the profiling of the ombudsman as a core figure of European administrative law requires a focus on its classical role in administrative supervision and develops the legal concept of a control-oriented model ombudsman.

Julia Haas Geboren 1979; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Hannover und Stockholm; 2005–09 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Leibniz Universität Hannover; 2007 Forschungsaufenthalt an der Harvard Law School; 2009–11 Rechtsreferendariat in Hamburg, Berlin und Karlsruhe; 2012 Promotion; seit 2011 Rechtsanwältin in einer internationalen Sozietät in Hamburg.


The following reviews are known:

In: I-CONnect — (02/2014)
In: Schweiz. Zentralblatt f. Staats- u. VerwR — 2013, 575–577 (Walter Haller)
In: Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts — 2014, 303–308 (Sebastian Graf Kielmansegg)
In: Die Verwaltung — 2013, 577–580 (Gabriele Kucsko-Stadlmayer)
In: — (03/2013)