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Tobias Funke

Der Priester Pinhas in Jerusalem und auf dem Berg Garizim

Eine intertextuelle Untersuchung und literar-, sozial- und religionsgeschichtliche Einordnung
[The Priest Phineas in Jerusalem and on Mount Gerizim. An Intertextual Study and Contextualisation in Literary, Social, and Religious History.]
2023. X, 550 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-160771-4
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Tobias Funke takes an intertextual look at the construction and reception of the figure of the priest Phineas in texts of the Hebrew Bible as well as the intertestamental literature of the Second Temple period in Jerusalem and classifies his results in terms of literary, social, and religious history.

Orientalische Religionen in der Antike (ORA)