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Agnes H. Atteslander-Dürrenmatt
Der Prozessvergleich im internationalen Verhältnis
Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung anerkennungs- und vollstreckungsrechtlicher Fragen im grenzüberschreitenden Rechtsverkehr der Schweiz
[Judicial Settlements in an International Context. In Particular Consideration of Problems of Recognition and Enforcement in Switzerland's Judicial Relationships with its Neighbour States.]
2006. XXIII, 229 pages. Published in German.
- sewn paper
- available
- 978-3-16-148867-2
Taking into account the various forms of settling disputes in civil procedural law and the different procedural effects of these settlements in Switzerland and its neighbor states, Agnes H. Atteslander-Dürrenmatt analyzes problems and possibilities in recognizing and enforcing judicial settlements under both international treaties and national law and presents practical solutions to ensure the settlements' worldwide recognition and enforcement.