
Benjamin Lange

Der Richter und seine Ankläger

Eine narratologische Untersuchung der Rechtsstreit- und Prozessmotivik im Johannesevangelium

[The Judge and his Accusers. A Narratological Examination of the Legal Motif and Metaphoric Process in John's Gospel.]

114,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-158169-4
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Published in German.
The Gospel according to John is replete with legal terminology and motifs detailing the run-up to Jesus' crucifixion – yet a formal process in front of the Jewish Sanhedrin is not part of the narrative. Benjamin Lange shows that reading the first half of the book as a metaphorical trial reveals a new perspective on the Gospel and its message. At the centre stands the paradox of Jesus as accused judge.
The Gospel according to John is replete with legal terminology and motifs detailing the run-up to Jesus' crucifixion – yet a formal process in front of the Jewish Sanhedrin is not part of the narrative. Benjamin Lange shows that reading the first half of the book as a metaphorical trial reveals a new perspective on the Gospel and its message. At the centre stands the paradox of Jesus as accused judge.

Benjamin Lange Geboren 1982; 2009 Diplom in Mathematik; 2010 erstes Staatsexamen in Mathematik und Musik (Lehramt an Gymnasien); 2014 Promotion in Mathematik; 2016 Master of Theology; 2016 Auszeichnung mit dem Franz-Delitzsch-Preis; 2019 Promotion in Theologie.


The following reviews are known:

In: New Testament Abstracts — 66 (2022), S. 136
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 146 (2021), S. 54–56 (Veronika Burz-Tropper)
In: Jahrbuch f.Liturgik u.Hymnologie — 60 (2021), S. 121 (Helmut Schwier)
In: Nouvelle Revue Théologique — 143 (2021), S. 482–483 (Gonzague de Longcamp)