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Ludwig Siep

Der Staat als irdischer Gott

Genese und Relevanz einer Hegelschen Idee
[The State as Earthly God. The Development and Relevance of a Hegelian Idea.]
2015. XI, 268 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-153848-3
Religious and secular positions quarrel about the necessity of a religious foundation for the state in order to limit its claims to ultimate authority. The genesis of this »absolute« claim has a long history in modern age political philosophy, culminating with Hegel. The conception aims at liberating the state both from religious and economic interests. But the very human rights which the state claims to protect against these »competitors« are endangered by limitless state sovereignty. Ludwig Siep shows how consequences from this development can be drawn in contemporary discussions about the »return of religion«. The secular state remains necessary for the protection of basic rights. But it can refrain from assuming a »civil-religious« aura if religions themselves engage in the interest of human rights and accept the neutral state. To restrict the power of the global economy, on the other hand, states do have to renounce part of their sovereignty to international organisations - without, however, producing »failed states.«