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Leonie-Pascale Neu

Der Trust im italienischen Recht

Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung vor dem Hintergrund des Haager Trust-Übereinkommens
[The Trust in Italian Law. A Comparative Study with the Hague Convention on Law Applicable to Trusts as a Backdrop.]
2018. XXVIII, 384 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-155763-7
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Trusts are an ancient legal construct that were used as long ago as the crusades by knights to organise their financial affairs and secure provision for their families. To this day, the trust has retained (and further expanded) its key position in common law systems. In civil law jurisdictions on the other hand, material reservations still abound as to the use of trusts. By taking Italian law as an example, Leonie Neu shows that this doubt is unjustified and that trusts, with minor adaptations, can play a meaningful role.

Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht (StudIPR)