
Michael Becker

Der unfaire Vertrag

Verfassungsrechtlicher Rahmen und seine privatrechtliche Ausfüllung

[The Unfair Contract. Constitutional Framework and its Implementation into Private Law.]

2003. VII, 78 pages.
29,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-148210-6
Published in German.
Michael Becker examines the bases and limits of freedom of contract as a part of private autonomy. He attempts to develop adequate standards and instruments in contract law to deal with manifestly unfair contracts resulting from inequality of bargaining power.
Michael Becker examines the bases and limits of freedom of contract as a part of private autonomy. At present, the concept of the unfair or unconscionable contract according to several court decisions would seem to be merely an issue of constitutional law in Germany. However when these recent decisions concerning structural imbalance are studied more closely, it becomes apparent that this is a problem of private power. The author attempts to develop adequate standards and instruments in contract law to deal with manifestly unfair contracts resulting from inequality of bargaining power.

Michael Becker Geboren 1955; 1984 Promotion; 1995 Habilitation; Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Bürgerliches Recht, Handelsrecht, Zivilprozeßrecht und Internationales Privatrecht und Direktor am Institut für Ausländische und Internationale Rechtsangleichung der Technischen Universität Dresden.


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