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Emma Peters

Der Zugriff auf elektronische Daten im Strafprozess

Eine verfassungsrechtliche Analyse des strafprozessualen Zugriffs auf elektronische Daten einer beschuldigten Person bei Privatunternehmen aus Sicht der datenbetroffenen Person
[Access to Electronic Data in Criminal Proceedings. A Constitutional Analysis of Access to the Electronic Data of Defendants at Private Companies from the Perspective of the Data Subject.]
2025. Approx. 290 pages.
forthcoming in January 2025
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • forthcoming
  • 978-3-16-161256-5
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In today's information society, criminal procedure law is confronted with major challenges - also with regard to the seemingly self-evident collection of personal data from private third parties. Emma Peters shows that an outdated set of norms continues to be applied uncritically in this context, even though it is constitutionally insufficient in light of changed communication conditions.

Internet und Gesellschaft (IuG)