Lauri Thurén
Born 1961; 1984 Master of Theology; 1987-88 Fulbright grantee at Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA; 1988 Licentiate of Theology; 1990 Doctor of Theology; 1983-93 Pastor at the Lutheran Evangelical Association of Finland; 1985 and 1991 Assistant of Exegetics at Åbo Academy University, Finland; since 1987 teacher at the University of Turku; since 1994 Lecturer of Exegetics at Joensuu University; since 1995 Lecturer of New Testament Exegetics, Abo Academy University; 1993-96 Junior Research Fellow at the Academy of Finland; since 1996 Senior Research Fellow at the Academy of Finland. Reviews
The following reviews are known:
In: Acta Theologica—2002, H.2, S. 279f
(Prof.D.F. Tolmie)
In: Biblical Interpretation—Jg.9 (2001), H.2, S. 230ff.
(Terence L. Donaldson)
In: Catholic Biblical Quarterly—Jg.63 (2001), H.1, S. 564ff
(James L. Jaquette)
In: Journal of Theological Studies—Jg. 52 (2001), H.2, S. 835ff
(Larry Kreitzer)
In: —Jg. 44, (2000), Nr. 3, S. 602
(New Testament Abstracts)
In: —2003, H.1, S. 135
(Revue Biblique)
In: Salesianum—Jg.63 (2001), H.4, S. 781f
(R. Vicent)
In: Svensk Teologisk Kvartalsskrift (STK)—Jg.76 (2000), H-2. S-110
(Nur Fußnote)
In: The Expository Times—Jg.112 (2001), Nr.5, S. 171
(Sean F. Winter)
In: Theologie der Gegenwart—Jg.45 (2002), H.3, S. 227ff
(Dr.Heinz Giesen)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung—Jg.126 (2001), Nr.6, S. 644
(Eduard Lohse)
In: Theologische Revue—Jg.99 (2003), H.1, Sp.41ff
(Thomas Söding)
In: Theology Digest—Jg.48 (2001) Nr.2, S. 193
In: Tijdschrift voor Theologie—Jg.40 (2000), Nr.4, S. 415
(J. Smit)
In: Toronto Journal of Theology—Jg.18 (2002), H.2, S. 269ff
(Alex Damm)