Karl Loewenstein (1891-1973) - eminent jurist and political scientist, creator of the idea of militant democracy, co-founder of political science in Germany - wrote an illuminating account of politics, public life, and the cultural background of constitutional thinking in the twentieth century. Fifty years after his death, Oliver Lepsius, Robert Chr. van Ooyen and Frank Schale have edited his simultaneously sharp-minded and entertaining autobiography.
Karl Loewenstein (1891-1973) was one of the most important emigrants in legal and political science. Fifty years after his death, his memoirs have now been edited and appear in this volume, where they portray both German and American history: the collapsing monarchy, the conflicts in the Weimar Republic, an academic career amid the difficulties of emigrating to the USA, the switch from law to political science, his work in the American military government after 1945, and the reconstruction of the German Federal Republic. Loewenstein's analyses and accurate judgements allow a view of the history of the twentieth century from the perspective of a democrat and theorist of pluralism. Here speaks the »other Germany«, whose path through life was lined by many greats, including Max Weber, Lujo Brentano, Thomas Mann, Lucius D. Clay, and Theodor Heuss.
Table of contents:
Karl Loewenstein, demokratischer Verfassungspolitologe des 20. Jahrhunderts - eine Einführung
Des Lebens Überfluß. Erinnerungen eines ausgewanderten Juristen
Erstes Kapitel: Echos aus der Kindheit
Zweites Kapitel: Schule und Berufsausbildung
Drittes Kapitel: Universitätsjahre
Viertes Kapitel: Der Erste Weltkrieg und nachher
Fünftes Kapitel: Der Rechtsanwalt
Sechstes Kapitel: Wissenschaftliche Anfänge
Siebentes Kapitel: Neubeginn in Amerika
Achtes Kapitel: Amherst
Neuntes Kapitel: Der Zweite Weltkrieg und nachher
Zehntes Kapitel: Als Besatzungsoffizier in Deutschland
Elftes Kapitel: Erntezeit
Zwölftes Kapitel: Spätlese
Dreizehntes Kapitel: Begegnungen
Vierzehntes Kapitel: Musik
Fünfzehntes Kapitel: Die schöne Welt
Das letzte Kapitel: Das große Fragezeichen
Literatur über Karl Loewenstein