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Andrew Bowden
Desire in Paul's Undisputed Epistles
Semantic Observations on the Use of epithymeō, ho epithymētēs, and epithymía in Roman Imperial Texts
[»Verlangen« in Paulus' unumstrittenen Briefen. Semantische Beobachtungen zur Verwendung von epithymeō, ho epithymētēs, und epithymía in Texten der römischen Kaiserzeit.]
2020. XVII, 602 pages. Summary
Does the apostle Paul think those with »desire« always try to obtain negative objects? Are there instances where »desire« is seen positively? Does Paul use this concept differently than other Roman imperial authors? Is »desire« always for objects related to sex? In this study, Andrew Bowden illustrates Paul's use of »desire« in light of its use in Roman imperial texts and sheds fresh light on this often misunderstood, misconstrued concept.