
Peter L. Berger

Dialog zwischen religiösen Traditionen in einem Zeitalter der Relativität

Übers. v. Shivaun Heath u. Evelyn Krimmer. Hrsg. v. Friedrich Schweitzer

[Dialogue between Religious Traditions in an Age of Relativity.]

2011. 124 pages.

Lucas-Preis 2010

29,00 €
including VAT
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-158315-5
Published in German.
Modernity has in fact changed the social and psychological environment of religion. In the present text Peter L. Berger seeks to spell out the conditions for such conversation to be both completely open and yet faithful to the core of a tradition. He proposes a basis for useful dialogic engagement among different religious traditions.
Modernity does not necessarily lead to a decline of religion, but to the loss of its taken-for-granted character. Modernity has in fact changed the social and psychological environment of religion. Conversation between adherents of different religious traditions has become an inevitability, not a luxury. In the present text Peter L. Berger seeks to spell out the conditions for such conversation to be both completely open and yet faithful to the core of a tradition. He proposes a basis for useful dialogic engagement among different religious traditions.

Peter L. Berger Geboren 1929; 1954 Promotion; Forschungsdirektor an der Evangelischen Akademie in Bad Boll/Deutschland; Professor an der New School for Social Research, der Rutgers University, am Boston College; seit 1981 Professor für Soziologie und Theologie an der Boston University, wo er seit 1985 auch Direktor und nun Senior Research Fellow des » Institute for Culture, Religion and World Affairs« ist; Ehrendoktor zahlreicher Universitäten (Loyola University, Wagner College, University of Notre Dame, Universität Genf, Universität München); Ehrenmitglied renommierter wissenschaftlicher Gesellschaften und Träger vieler wissenschaftlicher Auszeichnungen und Preise.

Friedrich Schweitzer Geboren 1954; seit 1995 Professor für Praktische Theologie in Tübingen.

Shivaun Heath No current data available.

Evelyn Krimmer No current data available.


The following reviews are known:

In: FAZ — 22. September 2011, S. 34 (Christian Geyer)
In: DAS ARGUMENT — (2012), S. 746–747 (Dick Boer)
In: Zeitschrift für Theologie und Philosophie — 87 (2012), S. 115–117 (T. Specker S.J.)
In: Wort und Antwort — 53 (2012), S. 43–44 (Thomas Eggensperger)