Felix Schumann

Die Autonomie des Individuums

Eine Annäherung an einen Schlüsselbegriff des Rechts aus medizin-, familien- und betreuungsrechtlicher Perspektive
[The Autonomy of the Individual. An Approach to a Key Legal Concept from the Perspective of Medical, Family, and Guardianship Law.]
2024. XXI, 505 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-163771-1
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-163771-1
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The »autonomy of the individual« is a central concept of modern Western legal thought. Felix Schumann analyses the foundations of the legal principle and develops a unified understanding of individual autonomy in law, which can be used of for numerous legal challenges of our time, from assisted suicide to state nudging.

Grundlagen der Rechtswissenschaft (GRW)