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Philipp Rüppell

Die Berücksichtigungsfähigkeit ausländischer Anlagengenehmigungen

Eine Analyse im Rahmen der grenzüberschreitenden Umwelthaftung nach der Rom II-Verordnung
[The Eligibility of Foreign Investment Permits. An Analysis in the Context of Cross-Border Environmental Liability in Accordance with the Rome II Regulation.]
2012. XXV, 271 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-151911-6
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The enforcement of environmental liability claims in civil law in foreign countries can cause difficulties due to the exclusionary character of official investment permits, and these difficulties can lead to the inefficiency of the environmental law concerned. Based on the Rome II Regulation of European law and the UNECE Conventions (Espoo and Aarhus), Philipp Rüppell develops a new, viable approach to solving this problem.

Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht (StudIPR)