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Kevin Kuta
Die Besichtigungsanordnung nach dem »Düsseldorfer Modell«
Zur Rechtmäßigkeit des Düsseldorfer Besichtigungsverfahrens de lege lata
[The Inspection Order According to the »Düsseldorfer Model«. On the Legitimacy of the Düsseldorf Inspection Model de lege lata.]
2017. XIX, 390 pages. Published in German.
- cloth
- available
- 978-3-16-155403-2
The »Düsseldorfer model« is a method developed by Düsseldorf's regional courts, which has since been consolidated, that has enjoyed great popularity among legal practitioners in the field of intellectual property protection as soon as conservation of evidence is necessary outside a main trial. Kevin Kuta examines whether this practice is in accordance with current law.