
Die »Deutsche Gefahr«

Außenpolitik und öffentliche Meinung in den deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg
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[The »German Danger«. Foreign Policy and Public Opinion in German-US Relations before World War I.]

2021. VIII, 363 pages.
59,00 €
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eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-159789-3
nicht mehr erhältlich
Published in German.
Yannik Mück attends to the question how in the years prior to World War I the sentiment of the American public sphere shifted to open hostility towards the German Empire. He thereby raises questions of the interaction and entanglement of politics, diplomacy and mass media which seem to be more topical than ever.
Yannik Mück attends to the question how in the years prior to World War I the sentiment of the American public sphere shifted to open hostility towards the German Empire. He thereby raises questions of the interaction and entanglement of politics, diplomacy and mass media which seem to be more topical than ever.

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