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Christopher Michael Davis
Die »dienende« Rundfunkfreiheit im Zeitalter der sozialen Vernetzung
Zum Erfordernis einer Neuordnung der Rundfunkverfassung am Beispiel der Sozialen Medien
[The Public Service Aspect of Broadcasting Freedom in the Age of Social Networks. Social Media and the Consequent Need to Update Federal Broadcasting Law.]
2019. XXV, 380 pages. Published in German.
The broadcasting jurisdiction of the Federal Constitutional Court has always differed from classical legal doctrine because the freedom anchored in the second sentence of Germany's Grundgesetz Article 5 (1) is understood as a serving freedom. But with social media having made broadcasters of us all, Christopher Davis shows that it is time to discard this understanding. This would - without turning broadcasting legislation completely on its head - allow the legislator considerable leeway to overcome media regulation challenges.