
Beate Kobler

Die Entstehung des negativen Melanchthonbildes

Protestantische Melanchthonkritik bis 1560

[The Origins of Melanchthon's Negative Image. Protestant Criticism of Melanchthon up to 1560.]

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ISBN 978-3-16-152697-8
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Published in German.
Philipp Melanchthon, a theologian, humanist and reformer, was repeatedly evaluated negatively during the past centuries, and this resulted in numerous clichés. Beate Kobler deals with the question of when and how this negative image originated during Melanchthon's lifetime, what events caused it to be reinforced and which critics influenced it in a particular manner.
Philipp Melanchthon, a theologian, humanist and reformer, was repeatedly evaluated negatively during the past centuries, and this resulted in numerous clichés. He was for example accused of corrupting and betraying Luther's doctrine, and in addition he was characterized as being timid and too compliant. Beate Kobler deals with the question of when and how this negative image originated during Melanchthon's lifetime, what events caused it to be reinforced and which critics influenced it in a particular manner. In doing so, she focuses on the Protestant criticism. This is particularly interesting, since it conflicts with Melanchthon's actual influence and his special impact. The result shows that the negative image of Melanchthon originated much earlier than had been assumed up to now.

Beate Kobler Geboren 1972; Studium der Ev. Theologie und Altphilologie (Latein) in Tübingen und Bonn; 2000 1. Kirchliches Examen; 2012 Promotion; seit 2013 Pfarrerin an der Martinskirche in Sindelfingen.


The following reviews are known:

In: Kyrkohistorisk Arsskrift — 2016, S. 162–163 (Birgit Stolt)
In: Luther — 2015, Heft 3, S. 169–170 (Andreas Gößner)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 140 (2015), S. 652–654 (Vera von der Osten-Sacken)
In: Reformatorisch Dagblad — 28. Juni 2014, S. 9 (Herman J. Selderhuis)
In: Vuosikirja Arsskrift — 2015, S. 139–142 (Otfried Czaika)
In: Lutheran Quarterly — 29 (2015), S. 335–337 (Timothy J. Wengert)
In: Lutherjahrbuch — 82 (2015), S. 287–289 (Stefan Michel)