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Urmas Nõmmik

Die Erzelternerzählungen im Lichte höfischer Erzählkunst

Motivkritische Studien zu den Überlieferungen von Lot, Isaak, Rebekka und Jakob
[The Ancestral Narratives in Light of Storytelling at Court. Motif-Critical Studies of the Traditions of Lot, Isaac, Rebecca and Jacob.]
2023. XIII, 309 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-159782-4
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Urmas Nõmmik studies the beginnings of the patriarchal narratives specifically in the context of the royal courts of ancient Israel and Judah. A redaction-critical approach combined with motif criticism allows an insight into connections between the oldest texts in Genesis and the ancient Near Eastern royal traditions.

Forschungen zum Alten Testament (FAT)