
Philipp F. Hardung

Die europäische Titelfreizügigkeit

Ein Beitrag zur Konsolidierung und Kohärenzförderung

[The European Freedom to Recognise and Enforce Judicial Decisions. A Contribution to Promote Consolidation and Coherence.]

79,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-158260-8
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Published in German.
There is currently no unified way to understand and follow the processes of cross-border recognition and judicial decision-making within the European Union. In fact, this legal field is littered with a complex collection of numerous norms and an equally large amount of regulations. Philipp F. Hardung's consolidating clear-up of the system aims to make it easier to apply, and thereby increase both legal certainty and clarity.
There is currently no unified way to understand and follow the processes of cross-border recognition and judicial decision-making within the European Union. In fact, this legal field is littered with a complex collection of numerous norms and an equally large amount of regulations. Philipp F. Hardung's consolidating clear-up of the system aims to make it easier to apply, and thereby increase both legal certainty and clarity.

Philipp F. Hardung Geboren 1986; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Bonn und an der University of Leeds (UK); 2013 erstes Staatsexamen; Referendariat in Düsseldorf, Bonn und New York City (USA); 2015 zweites Staatsexamen; 2015–19 Promotionsstudium an der Universität Halle Wittenberg; seit 2017 Rechtsanwalt in Düsseldorf.


The following reviews are known:

In: — Episkopisi Emporikou Dikaiou, 2021, 191–192 (Apostolos Anthimos)
In: IPRax — 4 (2022), 427–428
In: Zeitschr.f.Zivilprozeß — 134 (2021), 499–502 (Wolfgang Hau)