
Emil Sehling

Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts

Vierundzwanzigster Band: Das Fürstentum Siebenbürgen. Das Rechtsgebiet und Kirche der Siebenbürger Sachsen
Begr. v. Emil Sehling. Bearb. v. Martin Armgart unter Mitwirkung v. Karin Meese

[The Protestant Church Ordinances in the 16th Century. Volume 24. Siebenbürgen (Transylvania). The Principality of Transylvania. Jurisdiction and Church of the Transylvanian Saxons.]

2012. XIV, 534 pages.
244,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-150652-9
Published in German.
This volume deals with a territory outside of the Holy Roman Empire. Siebenbürgen (Transylvania) was an exception with its four recognized religious confessions cooperating with further confessions which were tolerated. The »ius reformandi« lay in the hands of the communities. The German-speaking minority in Siebenbürgen established its own regional churches in the 16th century. This edition covers pivotal texts which deal with their history of the Reformation.
This volume deals with a territory outside of the Holy Roman Empire. Siebenbürgen (Transylvania) was an exception with its four recognized religious confessions cooperating with further confessions which were tolerated. The »ius reformandi« lay in the hands of the communities. The framework for this was established by parliamentary decisions, which are the focal point of the first part of this volume on Siebenbürgen in general. The German-speaking minority in Siebenbürgen has always been at the center of scholarly attention. For this minority had an exempt jurisdiction and established its own regional churches in the 16th century. This edition covers pivotal texts which deal with their history of the Reformation such as the 1543 Reformation Pamphlet (Reformationsbüchlein) and the 1547 church ordinances for all Germans in Siebenbürgen as well as 80 further texts on church orders written by secular authorities and religious administrative institutions.

Emil Sehling Geboren 1860 in Essen; Jura-Studium in Bonn und Leipzig; Schüler von Emil Friedberg; 1881 Dr. iur. utr.; 1885 Habilitation in Kirchenrecht; Professor für Kirchenrecht und Handelsrecht in Leipzig, Kiel und Erlangen; 1919 theologische Ehrendoktorwürde; gestorben 1928 in Erlangen.

Martin Armgart Geboren 1960; Studium der Geschichte und Germanistik in Bochum; 1990 Promotion; tätig am Landesarchiv Speyer, Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe und Bayerischen Hauptstaatsarchiv München; seit 2008 angestellt bei der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften in der Forschungsstelle »Evangelische Kirchenordnungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts".


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschr. integrativer europ. RechtsG (ZIER) —–2012-Inhaltsverzeichnis.htm (09/2012) (Gerhard Köbler)
In: Zeitschr.d.Savigny-Stiftung Kanonistische Abteilung — 102 (2016), S. 536–539 (Karl W. Schwarz)
In: Sehepunkte — (Ulrich A. Wien)
In: Archiv für Kath.Kirchenrecht — 181 (2012), S. 643–645 (Peter Stockmann)
In: Das Historisch-Politische Buch — 61 (2013), S. 590–594 (Gunther Franz)