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Emil Sehling
Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts
Neunter Band: Hessen II. Die geteilte Landgrafschaft Hessen 1582-1618, Grafschaften Waldeck, Solms, Erbach und Stolberg-Königstein, Reichsstädte Frankfurt, Friedberg, Gelnhausen und Wetzlar
[The Protestant Ecclesiastical Ordinances of the sixteenth Century. Volume 9: Hesse II. The Divided Landgraviate of Hesse 1582-1618, the Counties of Waldeck, Solms, Erbach and Stolberg-Königstein, the Imperial Cities of Frankfurt, Friedberg, Gelnhausen and Wetzlar.]
2011. XV, 705 pages. Published in German.
- cloth
- available
- 978-3-16-151027-4
This volume continues the series of edited volumes dealing with the territories and imperial cities in the region which is now Hesse. It contains church ordinances from the divided landgraviate of Hesse (after 1582), from the counties of Waldeck, Solms, Erbach and Solberg-Königstein as well as from the imperial cities of Frankfurt, Friedberg, Gelnhausen and Wetzlar.