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Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts
Siebenter Band: Niedersachsen. II. Hälfte: Die außerwelfischen Lande. 2. Halbband: 2. Teil: Grafschaft Schaumburg, Goslar, Bremen
Edited by Eike Wolgast
[The Protestant Church Ordinances of the 16th Century. Volume 7: Lower Saxony. Second Part: The Non-Guelphic Territories. Second Section: Part 2: The County of Schaumburg, the Cities of Goslar and Bremen.]
2016. XV, 664 pages. Published in German.
- cloth
- available
- 978-3-16-154715-7
The present volume completes the work started in the 1950s to edit the church ordinances of Lower Saxony. While the Reformation was not introduced into the county of Schaumburg until after the 1555 Religious Peace of Augsburg, it had already gained a foothold in the cities of Goslar and Bremen in the 1520s.