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Michael Lamsa
Die Firma der Auslandsgesellschaft
Bildung, Führung und Schutz der Firma von Auslandsgesellschaften in Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Europäischen Gemeinschaftsrechts
[The Name of Foreign Companies. Formation, Use and Protection of the Name of Foreign Companies in Germany with a Special Focus on European Community Law]
2011. XXXIV, 560 pages. Published in German.
The conflict of law rules applicable to companies, partnerships and other business enterprises are currently in the process of reorientation due to numerous decisions handed down by the ECJ. Michael Lamsa examines which law should be applied to the formation, use and protection of the (registered) name of foreign business enterprises, focusing on the specifications of primary and secondary European Community law. He demonstrates that the overlaying application of substantive German corporate law principles to the name of a foreign business enterprise does not infringe on European Community law.