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Friederike Schaal

Die Haftung der Geschäftsführungsorgane einer insolvenzrechtlich eigenverwaltenden GmbH oder AG

[Management Liability in the Insolvency Law for Self-Administrating GmbH and AG Companies.]
2017. XIV, 325 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-155180-2
The process of self-administration is often taken as an opportunity to activate financial recovery programmes. However, it remains unclear if and how management can be held accountable for breach of duty in cases of insolvency. Friederike Schaal addresses this question, which is of considerable relevance for the creditor as well as the judicature and the insurance industry.

Tübinger Rechtswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen (TübRA)