
Paul Schirrmacher

Die Haftung des faktischen GmbH-Geschäftsführers

Eine dogmatische (Neu-)Ordnung

[The Liability of the De Facto GmbH Managing Director. A Dogmatic (Re)Ordering.]

129,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-156847-3
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Published in German.
Can the obligations as well as the associated liability of an official GmbH managing director be transferred to someone not appointed to the role, but whose actions arguably indicate that they are on the same level? Paul Schirrmacher shows that this equality cannot be reconciled with current law. The solution is, in fact, to be found in the application of general provisions.
Can the obligations as well as the associated liability of an official GmbH managing director be transferred to someone not appointed to the role, but whose actions arguably indicate that they are on the same level? Paul Schirrmacher shows that this equality cannot be reconciled with current law. The solution is, in fact, to be found in the application of general provisions.

Paul Schirrmacher Geboren 1990; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Gießen und Hamburg; 2015 Erste Juristische Prüfung; Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Bucerius Law School und dem Notarrechtlichen Zentrum Familienunternehmen, Hamburg; 2018 Promotion; Rechtsreferendar am Hanseatischen Oberlandesgericht in Hamburg mit Stationen in Washington D.C. und München.


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