
Alexander Andreas

Die Haftung für Kartellverstöße durch Preisalgorithmen

Verantwortlichkeit und bußgeldrechtliche Folgen für Verstöße gegen das Kartellverbot

[The Liability for Antitrust Violations through Pricing Algorithms. Accountability and the Consequences of Provisions for Fines for Violations of the Ban on Cartels.]

2022. XXI, 229 pages.

Beiträge zum Kartellrecht 17

74,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-161355-5
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Published in German.
In a digital economic environment, companies are increasingly using algorithms to determine the prices for their products. Alexander Andreas analyzes the conditions under which the ban on cartels is violated by this behavior and which actors bear the legal responsibility for this.
In a digital economic environment, companies are increasingly using algorithms to determine the prices for their products. Alexander Andreas analyzes the conditions under which the ban on cartels is violated by this behavior and which actors bear the legal responsibility for this.

Alexander Andreas Geboren 1993; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Münster; 2018 Erste Juristische Staatsprüfung; Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in einer US-amerikanischen Wirtschaftskanzlei am Standort Düsseldorf; 2021 Promotion; Referendar am Landgericht Heidelberg.


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